Introducing Me

#introduceyourself Hello, my name is GigaGoblin. I am a geek who has been trying to get into FOSS and computer programming since about 2003, but between the dyslexia, T...

4 months ago, comments: 2, votes: 6, reward: $0.40


Hello, my name is GigaGoblin.

I am a geek who has been trying to get into FOSS and computer programming since about 2003, but between the dyslexia, TBI, migraines, and the learning curve I never acomplished much. Now though I am finally getting to where I can do some cool stuff.

This pairs nicely with my impulse buying problem off AliExpress, so I will be sharing my weird projects as they come together (as well as my great deals and buyers remorse purchases).

I dabble in photography, poetry, and fiction too. I like to dabble.

GigaGoblin is also the name of my villanous alter ego and many of my posts will be done in that voice later on as I develop it. I think its fun. InCharacter posts will be tagged with #InCharacter so those of you who aren't into that sort of thing can opt out.